When you are shopping for authentic items made of true jade, it is wise to be alert for imposturous products and untrustworthy retailers. Unfortunately, jadeite is often faked and sold at ridiculous pricing that is not anywhere near its actual worth. That’s why we are committed to being a reputable online retailer for quality jade jewelry designs and figurines that are genuine. We are the go-to source for collectors to buy jade necklaces, earrings, pendants, bracelets, earrings, and more. And to prove it, we wanted to share with you how exactly we come to acquire our beautiful jade goods.
If you take a browse through our inventory, you’ll notice we offer a wide range of jade items made with real jade stones. We confidently assure you that every jade stone we sell is authentic and of the highest quality. Here’s why:
Business Relationship with Jade Factories
Over the years, we’ve established a close relationship with jade stone factories in China and Burma, which means we are able to see the quality of the jade first-hand. Knowing what factories our jade stones come from allows us to guarantee the quality of service and products we receive.
Jade Hand Selected Personally
Throughout the year, we travel to China and Burma to personally hand select the jade stones for our jewelry. Unlike other jade jewelry stores, we prefer to have a choice in the quality and selection of the jade stones we work with. We make sure that we are only retailing the finest quality jade found on the market.
Quality Jade Products Manufactured by Us
With the fine jade stones we handpicked, our colleagues at the factories carefully create the jewelry designs with passion and talent. We hire highly skilled carvers to shape, polish, and design the jade stones and craft them into their precious metal settings. We oversee the manufacturing of all of our jade products to ensure that they are of the highest standards in terms of quality.
Jade Goods Sold at the Lowest Rates
We sell our genuine jade goods at discounted rates that are hard to find anywhere else. Because we manufacture our own products, we are able to sell them to our customers at the same rate we sell to our retailers. This allows you to obtain quality jade pieces priced below their original retail value.
Because we are a family owned business, we operate with values, morals, and respect – an aspect that sets us apart from other jade retailers. We are just as passionate about the beauty of the jade stone as you are, which is why we strive to offer our customers only the best. To view our collection of jade jewelry and other items, browse through our online selection today.